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With exhaustion setting in, it was a gamble if the segments with my kiddie co-hosts would be energized enough to give me some good radio. I think we did OK. Remember, I was almost asleep before we left the park.
I always enjoy talking with the kids before they get to Disney World and after they've experienced Magic Kingdom. Is it what they expected? What was the best part? It's fascinating to hear how their favourite rides change the more they go on others.
As the sun was setting we departed on the buses. By the time we got to the airport it was nighttime already. As we all boarded the plane the volume of chatter was significantly lower. Moments after take-off most of the kids (and many of the adults) were fast asleep.
A day at Disney comes to an end
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It is traditionally the loudest flight you could ever be on while heading to Orlando, the return flight is the quietest you will ever experience. Why? Well, I think the pictures speak for themselves.
The plane got into Winnipeg after midnight with the youngsters reuniting with their families at about 1 a.m.
I can only imagine the stories they told their friends at school the next day.

Thanks to everyone at Air Canada and the sponsors of Dreams Take Flight. It was a great journey and so exciting to share the special day with the kids. For more information about the organization, go to

JB chats with Winnipeg's mayor
JB chats with Dreams Take Flight's president